A new law effective 1/1/20 will prohibit HOAs from prohibiting or unreasonably restricting construction or use of ADUs.
Follow these 3 secrets to help avoid conflict in a common interest development.
Zimberoff Deutsch helps client prevail in appellate court ruling on common area and whether HOA is a common interest development under Davis Stirling Act.
There is a common misperception among many condominium owners that the source or cause of damage within a condominium building determines who pays for repairs.
A common interest development board election must be conducted in strict compliance with detailed and comprehensive rules and statutory guidelines
Even when a HOA’s CC&Rs; establish view rights and contain restrictions allowing for neighbors’ views, there are several areas of vulnerability—both in upholding and challenging the rights and restrictions.
In California there is no view right of a landowner, except in three conditions: (1) via contract; (2) via city or county ordinance; or (3) created through covenants (usually via HOAs).
Homeowner Law attorney Dan Zimberoff interviewed by San Diego News 10 reporting on alleged predatory towing by local HOA.
Local Mediation as an Option As an HOA attorney who represents individual homeowners, I often am contacted by owners who want me to assist them with a dispute that may only involve a few hundred dollars. For instance, they want to contest an association imposing a $50 fine for some rules violation like speeding or […]
News10 investigative reporter Jennifer Kastner interviewed HOA attorney Dan Zimberoff as part of a news feature on community associations cracking down on short term rentals.